Alyacir: Azkar, Azan and Quran

by Alyacir Team



رمضان مبارك للأمّة الإسلامية، وكلّ عام وأنتم بخير.اليَسِير هو تطبيق إسلامي على مذاهب أهل السُّنة والجماعة، يُنبّهك بأوقات الصّلاة عبر الآذان، ويُمكّنك من قراءة القرآن الكريم بدون أنترنت، و قراءة الورد اليومي من الأذكار والأدعية الصّحيحة، إلى جانب خدمات أخرى خاصة بشهر رمضان.اليسير تطبيق للمسلم سهل الإستخدام وشامل، يدعم اللّغة العربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية، ويَعمل بدون أنترنت.The Muslim application directed to Muslims in all parts of the earth. It depends on the doctrines of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah and it supports multiple languages including Arabic, English and French.MAIN FEATURES OF AL YACIR:- Now you can get prayer timings (Salat times) in your country with high accuracy and ease.- You can recognize Rawatib and Nawafil after each prayer.- You can identify the Qibla direction from where you are with high accuracy.- You can now read all the Holy Quran with Tajweed signs, sajda signs, and more.- The translation of the Holy Quran to different languages.- Interprétation (Tafsir Muyassar) of the Holy Quran.- You can read truest Adkar and prophetic supplications in different languages.- Quranic supplications in many languages.- Daily Tasbih.- You can find the nearest mosque to your location.- Subha to count your dhikr (Tasbih).- You can listen to all the Holy Quran by a lot of reciters such as Mishary Al Afasy, Abd Albaset Abd Ssamad, Omar Al Kazabri, Ahmed Al Ajmi, Abderrahman Soudais.- The Holy Quran by different recitations (Riwayat) as Hafs from Asim, Warsh from Nafiaa, Qaloun from Nafiaa.- Teaching Shahada is a feature for those who want to become Muslims and for those who dont speak Arabic. It helps you to learn Shahada easily and in different languages.- You can get the Hijri calendar in different countries.- You can directly see the sacred mosque in Mecca and Madina.- List of the truest ALLAH names from Quran and Sunnah with argument and witness.FOR MORE INFORMATION:Website: https://alyacir.comEmail: [email protected]